
Denali Schmidt Art Gallery at Sagarmatha Next

Khumbu Region; Syanbouche, Nepal

Floyd’s latest venture took him to an elevation of 3775m overlooking the incredible panoramic view of the Khumbu region of Nepal. With Mount Everest in sight, his mission was to create art from the waste collected from several surrounding base camps. Sponsored by the Denali Foundation in partnership with Sagarmatha Next, this project both educates and encourages locals and visitors the importance of waste removal from this beautiful and remote location.

Out of the waste comes new life, beauty and hope!d r



Art in the Forest, Flamingo Dai Lai; Hanoi, Vietnam

This was an Artist in Residence/Symposium with sculptors from around the world (Vietnam, South Korea, France, Spain, Japan) in from August -October 2019. I am still super stoked about this opportunity as it literally is art in the Forest! With over 20 monumental sized permanent sculptural installations, this permanent installation is south east Asia’s largest sculpture park.

The sculptures are installed along paths, in lakes and throughout the pine forest with a central concentration of shipping container galleries that offer accessible art in a forest setting 24 hours a day.